MISSION: Providing martial arts and boxing classes at no cost, to build confidence in young people from all walks of life.

City Champs
City Champs was started in 2017 By Jared Bell, a local business man and avid boxer/kickboxer. Through his hours at the gym, he noticed the transformation children would have when they started boxing or martial arts. They became more disciplined, respectful, and smiled more.
He realized that every child should have the opportunity to practice boxing or martial arts.
Thus, City Champs was born. Soon after, as he was putting together a plan and developing partnerships he asked his friend and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt Joshua Janis to help develop the programming. The children really took to the programs and more importantly the coaches. City champs trains their coaches to listen to children, have empathy for their challenges and to make the programs fun.
City champs has opened the door to martial arts for Hundreds of kids in the Milwaukee area and we are just getting started! In 2022 we have partnered with Combat Corner to have a permanent home for our programs and beyond!

Martial arts redirects children's natural impulses toward aggression and channels them in constructive, helpful, and beneficial ways. Beyond fitness it teaches kids soft skills such as self-control, confidence, perseverance, discipline, respect, leadership, many of which are not taught in the traditional classroom.

City Champ Graduates
"City Champs helped me bring out my confidence. Now I know I will succeed."

"I know now I will be the first in my family to go to college"

In the
We work hard to get our efforts noticed by the media and are so proud when this goal comes to fruition. A well informed community is an empowered one as well, so take a look at some of the latest coverage we’ve received and help spread the word about all the amazing developments at City Champs.
City Champs Foundation
Non Profit Organization